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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Why Women Can't Communicate Clearly

So I read this article and I found it quite humorous. The article talks about why women cannot communicate clearly. According to the article, there are four strategies that women use when it comes to communication which are listed below:
1.      Women never say what they really mean

2.      Women focus on talking and not on finding solutions

3.      Women think with their emotions

4.      Women expect men to be mind-readers

I find the abovementioned strategies to be hilarious because I can confirm these strategies to be true from personal experience. I have dealt with women personally and have seen others too that use one or multiple strategies from these four listed. Now I am not saying that all women are like this. For all I know, it may just be the luck of the draw that I have had to deal with or have seen women that communicate using the above strategies. However, from what I have witnessed, I agree with these four strategies listed.

The article then proceeds by sticking up for the men. It is argued by the writer that men get to the point directly and clearly and can communicate, whereas women cannot communicate. I find this statement to be too harsh and do not agree with it. I think that certain men and women cannot communicate clearly. I do not think it is a matter of being part of different sexes. I feel that it depends on the person and not on the sex which determines their communication skills. To say that women cannot communicate is an invalid statement in my mind and should not be made or accepted.

I also find it interesting that this article was written by a man. I am intrigued to read an article written by a woman in response to this article.

To look more into this article, click the link below.

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