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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

10 Easy Steps To Design Your Own Personal Infographic

Hi Everyone,

Seems like the more news I look up about communications, the more I come across infographics. My last post had a really interesting infographic about how people are using social media to look for jobs.

Keeping to this method of exchanging information, infographs, I came across this link that explains 10 easy steps to make your own personal infographic. To take a look at the steps please visit the site below.

I think it's interesting learning about facts through visual aids. The next time I'm given an assignment, i might try presenting my results in an infographic. After visiting the website above, you should have a clear understanding of how to get started in making an infographic.

Infographics don't only have to be used for school or work. People can also make infographics to better describe themselves while using the social media.

5 benefits of a personal infographic:

  1. A creative way to describe yourself
  2. Upload it to Facebook and compare with other creative, innovative friends
  3. Use it as a desktop background, or as the base of your
  4. It’s fun, only taking a few clicks and a few minutes
  5. It just looks cool

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