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Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Benefits of Blogging!

As a business student, concentrating in marketing, the majority of teachers in my discipline encourage students to blog. Many students entering university or a post secondary institute for their first time might not see the true benefit of blogging. Listed below are some reasons why all students (not just business students) should blog!

Build Your Brand Identity

Blogging helps build your professional brand. This is important because employers judge job candidates on their brand. Various tools such as a website, blog, social media etc help build a personal brand. A student with a polished professional brand will have the upper hand when they are ready to enter the work force since employers do often look up job candidates on the internet to see what comes up.

Become An Expert

Through social media, you can communicate what you have learned in the work force or in school. Becoming an expert on a particular subject can set you a part from other students. Blogging on a particular subject can also show the public how knowledgeable you are. It can aid in building your professional identity.

Foundation for Your Social Media

You can communicate through social media but essentially your blog will be where the main hub of information will stem from. Platforms such as Twitter restrict how long status updates can be and should be used to direct individuals to your blog. There is no limit on how much you can include in your particular blogs.



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